Thursday, September 26, 2013

Emergency Beauty Kit Essentials

Alright….so I admit it. I am rushing EVERYWHERE I go. Time is not my friend, and it is a daily struggle. So, because of that unfortunate reality, instead of fixing the problem (which makes TOTAL sense), I have instead, learned to adapt. Haha! J  What’s my big secret for overcoming this struggle? An emergency beauty kit! I keep a cute little bag in the trunk of my car with all of the essentials. So whether I’m running late or have an unexpected overnight stay, I am ready to go! So, hit up the travel size aisle, stock up and get to loading up your emergency beauty kit!

·         Deodorant

·         Body spray

·         Lotion

·         Contact solution/contact case

·         A few cotton balls/nail polish remover

·         Neutral lipstick/lipgloss

·         Blush

·         Face powder or BB Cream (powder will hold up much longer)

·         Panty liners

·         2-3 tampons/pads

·         Spare pair of underwear (Yes, I said it! J)

·         Spare pair of earrings

·         Tide to go stain stick

·         Vaseline

·         Mini size toothbrush

·         Toothpaste

What other essentials would you have to have in YOUR emergency beauty kit? Please share in the comments section below!


Monday, September 16, 2013

Rin's 5 Fall Essentials

So, I have to admit I am not a big fan of cold weather. Lets just say I like less layers when it comes to my wardrobe. If it could be 75 degrees in GA everyday, I would be a happy girl! But lets face it, there's something to say about having seasons. So, in order to make the BEST of this Autumn, I must have these 5 Fall essentials!

#1 A girl's best friend in the fall are a pair of black boots

#2 When that chill hits the air, you must be prepared with a fitted peacoat

#3 In the Fall, colors can often be so drab, but not if you add a POP of ColoR! My fave for the fall is mustard!

#4 Let us not forget, with a pop a color comes a funky animal print, my personal favorite is LEOPARD!!!!
Check out Beyonce, I like those shades as well! :)

#5 Last, but certainly not least, this drink puts me in the mood for Fall every time! None other than the Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks!

Which of these essentials do we share in common? What are your 5 Fall essentials? Tell me in the comments! :)


Thursday, September 5, 2013

NEW OBSESSION: L'Oreal La Laque and La Matte Colour Riche Lipsticks

There is nothing that I hate more than buying a lipstick then getting it home and realizing it’s nothing like the color that the package portrayed. I am a HUGE consumer of all things cosmetics, so as such a loyal patron of these products, I hate when my time and money has been wasted on a product that’s nothing like it was marketed. 

Luckily, I don’t have ANY complaints with the new L’Oreal La Laque and La Matte lipsticks. They are, in one word, AMAZING! What you see is what you get! The colors are true, bold, opaque, pigmented and gorgeous! There are 8 shades to choose from; 4 La Laque colors (glossy finishes), and 4 La Matte colors (matte finishes). These lipsticks retail for $7.99 (Target) each and I have 6 of the 8 colors they offer.

They glide on incredibly smooth, have an easy twist mechanism to aid in product usage and come in sleek, slender packaging. This product is an A+++ in my book and I recommend you picking up at least one of each finish, one gloss and one matte. You won’t be sorry!
