Thursday, September 26, 2013

Emergency Beauty Kit Essentials

Alright….so I admit it. I am rushing EVERYWHERE I go. Time is not my friend, and it is a daily struggle. So, because of that unfortunate reality, instead of fixing the problem (which makes TOTAL sense), I have instead, learned to adapt. Haha! J  What’s my big secret for overcoming this struggle? An emergency beauty kit! I keep a cute little bag in the trunk of my car with all of the essentials. So whether I’m running late or have an unexpected overnight stay, I am ready to go! So, hit up the travel size aisle, stock up and get to loading up your emergency beauty kit!

·         Deodorant

·         Body spray

·         Lotion

·         Contact solution/contact case

·         A few cotton balls/nail polish remover

·         Neutral lipstick/lipgloss

·         Blush

·         Face powder or BB Cream (powder will hold up much longer)

·         Panty liners

·         2-3 tampons/pads

·         Spare pair of underwear (Yes, I said it! J)

·         Spare pair of earrings

·         Tide to go stain stick

·         Vaseline

·         Mini size toothbrush

·         Toothpaste

What other essentials would you have to have in YOUR emergency beauty kit? Please share in the comments section below!


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