Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Smooth and Hydrated Lips

There's nothing worse than dry, chapped, peeling lips. Follow these easy home remedies to achieve the perfect pout! :)
Damp your lips with water and use a clean, damp toothbrush and gently rub across your lips. This is a great exfoliant and gets rid of flaky skin.
You can also use a homemade scrub, using honey and sugar, rub across damp lips, and rinse.
After exfoliating, pat lips dry with a soft towel, and moisturize. One oldie, but goody, is Vaseline. Apply a tad on your lips and they'll feel super soft. Not a fan of Vaseline? My FAVORITE lip hydrating product is Maybelline's Baby Lips. This product is amazing, is great to use especially before lipstick application and is only $3! Have you tried any of these tips? Used any of these products? Let me know!

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