Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Denman Brush, a brand not a type!

To all my natural girls:
I'm sure you can be frustrated by tangled natural hair. You know after you wash and condition, and you're just ready to style. No, no, no, you must detangle FIRST! It is very critical for the protection of your hair. With that said, I have tried several brushes and combs to detangle, however I have yet to find the most efficient and natural friendly brush. I have heard a lot of people refer to the Denmen brush. Therefore, I have been searching everywhere from Wal-mart to Target to Sally's for this brush, until I realized it was not a type of brush I was looking for; it was a BRAND. I know some of you already knew this, but this was a revelation for me!! These brushes can be on found at the following link:
I cannot wait to order mine and report to you whether it was worth the purchase. Fortunately, they are not very expensive. So, wish me luck, I am trying a new brush for detangling!!!

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