Monday, June 10, 2013

Skin Care Splurge: Clarisonic, Worth the Money?

Hey y'all! A few weeks back, I posted a, skincare routine blog post and mentioned my Clarisonic. It's been all the rage for a few years now, and after doing my research, and watching/listening to tons of reviews via YouTube, I decided to purchase one. They retail for about $150 and claim to remove makeup, dirt and oil significantly more than washing without. I would probably agree with that. They also say it's gentle enough to use twice a day. I TOTALLY disagree. Even with the delicate brush (the one I use),  it's too harsh and actually tends to promote breakouts and irritation. At least for me. Great exfoliating tool? Yes. Great cleansing tool? When used sparingly and occasionally. Overall skincare holy grail? No. This is a nice luxury skincare tool to own, but it's not a must have as far as I'm concerned.

Final Grade: B-/C


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